Privacy Policy

ENNXO is an online marketplace

ENNXO and its team highly respect and prioritize user privacy. We do not use your personal information for any purpose other than providing services as required by law.

Customer satisfaction is our priority.

For sellers, upon registering via the ENNXO website, the company assumes your consent to manage and store your information with the highest security. We do not disclose information to unrelated third parties.

  1. The company collects data such as name, surname, email, phone number, Line, platform interaction, product images, and product details.
  2. If you access via Facebook, the company collects data from Facebook such as name, surname, email, phone number, and profile picture.
  3. The company collects cookies and IP to facilitate your usage, showing relevant information based on your previous visits to save your search time.
  4. The company collects seller data to inspect or contact in case of issues or fraud between sellers and buyers, including offering promotions.
  5. The company retains seller data for the duration of their usage or until a request for account deletion is made.
  6. Sellers are allowed to modify personal and announcement information.
  7. The company does not disclose seller information to unrelated third parties.
  8. Seller contact information is displayed on announcement and profile pages. Contact information is hidden when the item is marked 'sold' or the announcement expires as per company policy.

Your data is confidential and highly important to us. We have strict security measures to prevent unauthorized use. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

This policy must comply with laws and regulations and clearly explain the data processing details, purposes, and ways users can request data deletion.

To delete personal data, please contact.