ขายสวนทุเรียน / Durian orchard
โพสต์เมื่อ 1 เดือนที่ผ่านมา
- ขนาดที่ดิน
5,400 ตรว
- สิ่งปลูกสร้าง
- สีที่ดิน
Land for sale, 13.5 rai, Title deed document with one house, located in Nadi district, Prachinburi Province, Thailand. There is orchard garden (70-80 durian tree, and some of rambutan, mango, banana, orange) rice field, pond and more than 20 of large rubber tree. The Western side is next to a natural canal that flows from a small water fall and there are red lotuses that grow naturally in Winter and Summer. Water the plants with a sprinkler system that draws water from the pond. There is electricity, artesian well to supply water for use within the house and internet access. The land is near the mountainside, good weather, beautiful scenery. Selling for 620,000 baht per rai. Ask for more information, negotiate price contact the owner directly. 待售土地,13.5 莱,一栋房屋的产权契据文件,位于泰国巴真府纳迪区。 有果园(70-80棵榴莲树,还有一些红毛丹、芒果、香蕉、橘子)稻田、池塘和20多棵大橡胶树。 西侧毗邻一条天然运河,从一个小瀑布流出,冬天和夏天有自然生长的红莲花。 使用从池塘汲水的喷水灭火系统给植物浇水。 有电力、自流井供应房屋内的用水和互联网接入。 该地靠近山腰,气候宜人,风景秀丽。 售价为每莱 620,000 泰铢。 询问更多信息,协商价格,直接联系业主。 电话。 089-783 8112